Thursday, October 8, 2009

To kick the buque...

I have been reading a lot lately and since i am writing after a long hiatus i believe i am suffering from a verbal diarrhea-i have so much to talk about but with my meddled thoughts not yet in place. Apologies if the subject matter of my current discourse runs into the unsubstantial domain.
A month ago,the Swine flu scare actually prompted me to form a will(which i still have saved in the 'drafts' folder of my phone) in case i happened to kick the bucket. With no significant assets or belongings of my own, i ended up with a list of inconsequential items that i intended to give away-this included my clothes, bags, shoes, my precious collection of books, two silver rings i always wear, a minuscule bank balance, a collection of stolen pens and a personal diary. As i sit typing this post, temptation urges me to a glimpse of the will in case i missed anything- the flu has caught up with me soon enough yet i sit typing with a running nose, a sore throat and the possibility of death by the H1N1 virus ;)
With friends and family reading this i expect isolation and overlooked party invites:), leaving me ample time to implement another 'brilliant' idea that just struck me-a bucket list. Might as well tune out all responsibilities and constrictions and have a ball before i fade out, but then that's precisely what i have been up to all along...oh well..let the good times roll:)


  1. I be taking the diary once you die of course.

  2. Dream on khattu sahib..long time no post from you...last one i read was the mushy one where you philosophized on love;PPP

  3. No inspiration man, need some incidents for my creative juices to flow ;)
