Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My Jobless Reverie

A long pending list of 'Things to do' adorns my study table half torn after being caught somewhere in between, the many books I enthusiastically started reading, but abandoned midway. I wonder in amazement at the amount of free time i'v had since I got over with my post graduation. I managed a few interviews (cleared one and am waiting for the results of two others)while interspersing quite a few parties in between; only justifying my clichéd philosophy-Work hard, party harder. If appearing for interviews is counted as work then party hard I did.

I pick up the list of things I intended to do while I looked for a job. Losing weight happens to top line the list. Okay well lets skip that, that's never happening. Reading some of the author's I’ve really wanted to, in a long time but couldn't, due to time constraints is next. We all know by now what happened to that resolution. Next on my spirited list happens to be taking a break, and I’m left wondering why I added that to the list, so I cross that out, I’ve had a break too many by now. I have been driven to wit's end with nothing constructive to do all this while, waiting for interview results.

Waiting is not my forte; as optimistic I am about clearing the rest of the job interviews i'v applied for, I don't see the point behind creating an atmosphere of suspense before declaring the results of an interview. It may seem professional to say-'we will get back to you soon', but it definitely isn't professional when 'soon' implies after a week or two. And thus, thanks to weeks of waiting, my current status reads 'jobless and still searching'. Contributing to my sorry state are the inhibitions my parents have about me working at certain places and for certain remuneration. They expect me to fetch above 1,40k annually being an English Honors graduate as anything below that is demeaning and moreover a place like Noida, which is on the outskirts of Delhi, is prohibited. They state the long distance I would have to drive but I know for a fact that playing at the back of their minds is the crime rate.

Oh well, so that brings me back to the pile on my desk again. Jobless with nothing much to do to make my days seem shorter; I resolve on clearing the mess. The list has to go, making place for a new one, the books I shall finish i'm sure, being the voracious reader that I am and all of this I shall do while still lost in 'My Jobless Reverie'!

1 comment:

  1. I am in the same juxtaposition.. not searching for a job... and not supposed to be so free... but 'useless' still
    But my mind says I am never gonna get such a time ever in life again.. so i wanna laze a little more :D
    So would be the case with u too.. make the most of this time lazing around.. :)
